July 8th, 2024
I've started with Three Houses. I guess started over but I never got far. I'm having fun with it so far, just about done with the first free day in chapter 3 (each chapter corresponds to a month in-game). Felix is kinda nuts tbh, early game he basically gets a free +5 might because of his personal skill, and is crest is a 40% chance to get another +5 might per weapon swing. So if you stick fists on him (which always double strike) then he can just do mad damage even with their low bonuses to might. Don't like how long it takes to unlock repairing weapons though.
Also worked a little more on the conlang, it'd be a lot easier to not be vague with the name so I'll just say it now: Midroket. I tried working on it the other day but I just stared at the google doc not sure what to do. But I actually have good like idea flow for it during work, so I spent a little time working on it when I didn't have anything to do. Mostly doing glosses without any actual words just to get a "feel" for the language and how it works.